You may have seen my girlfriend's hats at Nordstrom. TODAY if you buy this Green MONKEY shirt OR ANYTHING WITH A MONKEY... from her store I'll give you my famous $297 course called Profitable Momentum.
Ben Mack here.
I asked my girlfriend…
Will you make 223 Monkeys?
…and she said yes!

At the time it seemed like a good idea. She had a big show and her monkey purses are always a crowd pleaser. The big show was a couple weekends ago when it was snowing. So only her diehard fans came out.
Now Eva May has Too Many Monkeys!
Here’s the deal…
For 24-hours…
If you adopt a monkey you will get my personal gratitude, over $394 of my gratitude.
Each shirt is hand silk-screened printed on a cotton Tshirt of quality so fine it must be touched to be appreciated, the softest Cotton you’ve ever felt.

This is luxury that’s fun to wear.
Some shirts have a Giraffe, Butterfly, Cat, Dog, and 223 have a monkey. Only a TINY Fraction of them are online in her store...
ALL Monkeys GUARRANTEED House Trained!
Every shirt is washed twice after silk-screening, so the monkeys won’t shrink, shed or bleed. 100% Healthy Happy Monkeys! :-)
Either the monkeys go or I’m in trouble. Please adopt a monkey. Be My First Sale!
Her Tshirts and Purses are not well framed by this ugly webpage I made. I’m not a designer. I’m the chump that suggested she make 223 Monkeys! I’d like your help please.
Buy any monkey and I'll give you my $67 The Relevant Truth if you do one tiny little favor that requires your acting immediately, by mid-night tonight. You see, today is my Sister's birthday. Please wish my Sister Haley Happy Birthday in the comments below AND I'LL GIVE YOU MY $297 COURSE called Profitable Momentum.
If you adopt a monkey I get a Happy ending…
I’m five months into a wonderful relationship with the most creative woman I’ve ever dated. She’s beautiful, and she makes the most amazing hats and I can’t blame her for being grumpy… I suggested she make 223 Monkeys! My Bad. Too many! Now we have monkeys everywhere and they’re straining our relationship!!!
This is a hair-on-fire, one day sale you can't miss it.You will create an inferno of traffic, sales, and profits by
zeroing in on your most profitable skill and turning it into the profitable momentum that funnels cash in...while you sleep!
Here's what you do...
1) Buy any monkey by ==> clicking here <==
2) Wish my sister a Happy Birthday below in the comment section on this blog
3) You get an email with your FREE ADMISSION to The Relevant Truth and Profitable Momentum
Why am I giving away the farm? I'm trying to impress two of the three most important women in my life. (Mom's the 3rd... I love you Mom!) I want you to... Be My First Sale.
the real story is that I bet Big Mike $7500 he could sponsor this week's show of Joel Comm Live. I had room to bid higher.