Imagine a P.O.S.H. suite where...
You Get Synergized! They say...it only hurts once.

(answer 1-10 only please)
2) Why did you answer (insert answer from Question #1)?
3) What specific skills do you need to know to get you to your personal next level of success?
4) What will this do for you?
5) How will having this kind of success feel for you?
8) What will this success look like in two years?
(please give specific measurable results)
9) Why is this believable to you, that you can get to that success two years from now?
Please answer in comments below and label each answer with at least the question number to sepearte your answers to each question above.
extra credit...
did you listen to the audio linked to the word please just above?
What if we guaranteed your two year results? What if we guaranteed 90 success or you get your money back?
10) How much would you expect to pay for this course you just created?
11) At what price would this course begin to feel expensive?
12) At what price would this course begin to be too expensive where you couldn't see yourself considering the investment?
11.b) At what price would this course begin to feel inexpensive?
12.b) At what price would this course begin to be so inexpensive would question the quality?
15) What else could we have asked to ensure you get the seminar you need for your success?
Thank you very much
for your participation
and considerations.
We value your insights
and whether or not
we do work together,
stay blessed.
~bows low with humble gratitude~
Ben & Friends
AFFILIATE COMMISSIONS: We're on the honor code. Please let us know how you heard about us. Thank you. SIGNED: Your 23 new Masterminding Friends. Amongst THEM ~Ben
1) 6
2) I answered that because I am quiet busy,
and there are specific skills that I feel
I could learn from you and Dave Lakhani.
I feel alot of seminars aren't exactly
suited to my needs to grow my income...
I'm always looking for new mentors, partners
and advisors; and am really interested in
investing my money. But I don't really want to
waste my time. It takes alot to convince me :)
But if you convince me, I promise you all will
be done perfectly!
a> Organization and clarity (I have 19 business
plans sitting on my hard drive. I am focused on
one to two of them... and I'd like to learn
prioritization etc.),
b>honing of my marketing
skills to bring in more sales at a lower cost
(that includes both increasing viewers as well
as making my ad copy and followup more efficient),
c> methods of outsourcing efficiently
4) My dream is to be totally self sufficient,
and owning my own business. These are my major
hurdles that I will have to overcome, whether I
learn it from someone, or teach it to myself...
Learning these skills will allow me to accomplish my dreams
5) Like anyone that accomplishes their dream,
it is invigorating, and feels like you have finally
hit what you've been working all your life towards!
(But yes, there is alot of skepticism that you
will have to overcome :) )
6 & 7) nothing :)
8) I will be making a minimum of $70k a year,
I will have most of my marketing tasks automated
and managed by others so I could expand my
business, and take breaks at my own leisure...
(I haven't taken a week vacation for the past
three years)
9) I know that i will be making that money
anyway. I provide enough value to the company
I work for that I will be making that much,
and I make enough money from my side business,
that if I would devote 20 hours a week, I would
be making well over $70k...
Yes, I am listening to the audio :)
10) It really depends on the expertise of
person giving the course, as well as the amount
of involvement...
But you are asking me to honestly price your course for you...
so I will try...
If I had someone that would follow up with me weekly/
help me be proactive in doing the course,
as well as design the course, and they would guarantee
my results... then I think $500 a month would
be something that would be a fair exchange of value,
and something that I could push to afford.
11) $600 / month
12) $800 / month
11.b) $450 / month
12.b) $150 / month
15) Maybe adressed how the course would be
I got you from one of your email lists (a couple of them??)
Dear "about results marketing,"
Thank you very much for being the first person to reply in the proper comment area.
i appreciate your time and considerations, in other words...
i appreciate your attention.
"prioritization"? GREAT! That's an easy solve! i'm happy you brought up something i have educational tools already built around. this will go smoothly.
how about we hop on the phone together and i teach you a couple techniques, actually=> exactly 2.
Ben Direct 23 at
when Kevin, Dave & I have been kicking around this idea... we were thinking about our services for a few days in a HUMONGOUS suite at a fine hotel, or up in a cabin somewhere, lounging around and learning together, masterminding in teams designed to extend beyond the end of the seminar.
* bows with humble gratitude *
For special insight in my present life I consult to each one of my 23 friends, who’s either has been the same situation before as I am. I need know his first hand experience inform and their advice. That’s because I think that some one or maybe all might be leaving out some details for my own good.
In this manner you can help me to make a right decision. I appreciate send me your valued opinions & comments for me.
God bless each one of my 23 friends.
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