in marketing
I'm known as...
Ben Mack
Former Senior Vice President BBDO
Brand Strategy Director, Cingular
ride the magic
I'm known as...
Ben Mack
Former Senior Vice President BBDO
Brand Strategy Director, Cingular
ride the magic
American Marketing Association awards
Edison Award, Michael Jordan Cologne
Effie Award, Yomega Yo Yos ($8mm=>$123mm+ over 1 year.)
Joost van der Leij, Netherland NLP practitioner
Google Click Through Rate 5.1% to 9.1%
Subscriptions to newsletter increased from 100 to 350 people each week
Sales up 206% month over month
Chapter 14: Plan to have Many Conversations
“When an advertisement first appears, a man does not see it; the second time he notices it; the third time he reads it; the fourth he thinks about it; the fifth he speaks to his wife about it; and the sixth or seventh time he is ready to purchase.”
-P.T. Barnum
Your loyal customers each went from becoming aware of you and getting enough information to try, all the way through preferring your product or service and being willing to pay a premium to have your product or service…
– Awareness
• familiarity
• overall opinion
➢ consideration
• intention
1. Product exploration
a. Product usage
i. Repeat buying
ii. Loyalist…will buy nothing else
A great Direct Response letter takes a stranger from introduction to ownership in a single communication...gar...
Chapter 15: Everything Communicates
Choosing USPS or FedEx has a different feeling to the recipient.
The medium is [part of] the message.
==> If you are selling environmental products you better be using recycled packaging…I mean you better if you want to win the respect of this new customer.
As a customer, I strongly prefer USPS.
They can do it just as fast at a lower price and most importantly, they deliver to PO Boxes.
As a rural road dweller I regularly get frustrated with companies that will only deliver their wares by FedEx.
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