Sunday, September 30, 2007

unless you already know this...

are you open to the possibility... that just perhaps...
Your marketing sucks?


Paul Sterling... said...

Hey Ben,

When I went to your blog… a message popped up stating website certified by unknown authority...

Thought you might want to know.

Paul Sterling

Ps. I do know my marketing doesn’t suck, but I wish it did.
I wish it sucked in opt-ins by the100s or 1,000s. I wish it sucked
in new orders by the dozens daily. I wish it sucked in new JV partners
faster then President Bush can say something stupid.

On 9/30/2007

Ben Mack said...

Paul, thank you for your sustained support, for letting me know what's going on with certifications, and for speaking up and blogging your comment. You rock! I understand the yearning to hear the cash sucking sound of a six or even seven figure day. Yours is coming...

Riddle me this:
I'm getting emails asking me what a Lounge-inar is. I thought that was self evident. guess not...

LOUNGE-inar = Lounge + SemINAR Unabridged (v 1.1) -

lounged, loung·ing, noun
–verb (used without object)

==> 1. To pass time idly and indolently.

==> 2. to rest or recline indolently; loll: We lounged in the sun all afternoon.

==> 3. to go or move in a leisurely, indolent manner; saunter (usually fol. by around, along, off, etc.).
–verb (used with object)

==> 4. to pass (time) in lounging (usually fol. by away or out): to lounge away the afternoon.

==> 5. a sofa for reclining, sometimes backless, having a headrest at one end.

==> 6. a place for sitting, waiting, smoking, etc., esp. a large public room, as in a hotel, theater, or air terminal, often with adjoining washrooms.

==> 7. a section on a train, plane, or ship having various club or social facilities.

==> 8. a cocktail lounge.

==> 9. Archaic. the act or a period of lounging.

==> 10.Archaic. a lounging gait.
[Origin: 1500–10; orig. uncert.]

—Related forms
loungy, adjective

—Synonyms 1. loaf, idle, relax, dally, potter. Unabridged (v 1.1)
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2006.

About Results Marketing said...
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About Results Marketing said...


I want to thank you for your crazy and thought provoking emails... If you are asking if my marketing sucks - I have to say it does... but it still makes money:)

I gladly invite your most scathing critique's - as that is what I do to help others improve their marketing.

Also, I wanted to let you know that you have created a phenomenal brand for yourself (at least for me).

However, i'm pissed that I can't contact you... (I know, I know, I'm not an "infomarketer" or a "guru") All your email adresses that I have seem to bounce, you create a new blog every other day just to prove a point...

I'm not a auditory person, so haven't been attracted to the calls with you and Tellman Knudson, and I have no idea what seminars you attend.

You're leaving some dough on the table for us "kinesthetic" people...

In fact, on my list of to-do's was to do a blog post on you, so it would come up in your Google alerts, but I've been a bit busy :)

David J

my email address is david at about results marketing dot com...

Ben Mack said...

About Results Marketing, you write a solid blog. How may I be of service?
~Ben Direct 23
mail and then you add a dot com, however, i'd prefer to keep our conversations public virtually at all times

that cool?

your writing on applied research is insightful. well done. you are a student of the real definition of semantics, the study of meaning over time